AI automation business value
identification and delivery

AI and automation: the new frontier of business innovation and value

The frontier of market-differentiating business operations is ever receding. In the age of AI, firms must go fast to keep up. They must go even faster to gain sustainable competitive advantage.

End-to-end business transformation lifecycle expertise

True North Digital helps technology solution buyers and sellers define and implement AI and automation-enabled strategies to achieve their goals across the full value lifecycle.

  • Strategy Alignment. Technology-enabled strategies aligned to C-suite goals and targeted outcomes — helping technology sellers and CIOs align technology value levers to C-suite objectives.
  • Value Identification. Identification of value opportunities using the latest AI and automation technologies — identifying high impact value chain, end to end process and functional areas.
  • Investment Portfolio Decision Making. Value opportunity portfolio real world business case development — costs, risks, dependencies, timing, and net benefits — to prioritize high ROI expected value investments.
  • Change Management and Accountabilities. Business, finance, and IT jointly defined and approved change plans and value extraction accountabilities.
  • Program Delivery. Business value delivery-focused transformation program stand-up and execution – design, run, coach, and diagnose transformation programs.
  • Value Realization. Actual value realized accounting and over/under diagnosis and learning – combined business, finance, and IT accepted investment actuals accounting.
  • IT Operations. IT service and talent designs for optimal IT quality and cost-to-serve.